Meet AiMA,

the first digital human

AiMA is an empathetic virtual companion that accompanies users in their daily lives, conversing naturally and keeping company, helping to eradicate unwanted loneliness.

About AiMA

AiMA exists to improve people’s lives and promote a personalized, preventive and sustainable health system. Our dream is to eradicate unwanted loneliness and we fight against it by uniting empathy and innovation.

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but Humanity

Technology must embody the essence of humanity. Created for humans, simplifying the impossible and making it intuitive and natural. Because true innovation lies in the infinite spectrum of nuances that we defined as human.



We’re here to reflect warmth, care, and empathic responses from a person.


AiMA doesn’t require you to adjust or learn how to use it. Herself Adapts to you effortlessly.


Memory is the essence of our journey human. AiMA remembers pasts, names, faces and images how you do it.

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